I can't wait to see all the new family that is waiting for me to get there.
This is Changes week and me
and Elder Draper are staying together for another change. I am ok with
that I guess. It just means that most likely I won't be leaving this area
until Febuary and that is a long stretch. Oh well it will be ok. This
change we get to call home!!! So I am counting the days for that. Las
Torres is still Las Torres- we got the news yesterday that they are
going to combine our ward with Cerro 1 who we share a building with. The two wards hate each other, on Sunday in ward counsel it was made
quite clear where everyone stood on the subject. We have 4 missionaries
in our ward, and 1 set in cerro 1 so now there will be 6 and our area is
huge!! But it's all good- more places to know and become familiar with. Last week we went to Cuidad Viaja, and on the way back I was kind of
leading the people, cause I knew (or thought I knew where to go) the
busses to take and the streets that would lead us back to central to
take a bus back to our area. The whole day was awesome. We had
California Burrito and Buger King. Boy howdie is it expensive and now I
understand the blessing that we have of free refills.
I am trying to keep myself safe- it's hard when everyone around you
tries to tare down your confidence, or sense of self security. You have
to constantly be judging people, who is sketchy or who is ok. The
saddest thing I have ever seen is the issue with the trash cans. Trashcans are like public markets. It's a free for all. I have seen
everyone is the trashcans, from old old old people, to babies just
learning to walk. There is always something in the trash that they can
use to better their life a little. A senior couple told us that if we
are throuwing away food, put it in a bag and hang it on the edge of the
trash can so that they don't have to dig for it. The sad part is when
you do that, not 2 minutes go by and the bag is gone. The things this
mission teaches us, wow. We went to the fortalcia today. It's the famous
light house here in Uruguay. It's nothing too grand, it was closed today
so we could not go in, but we took pictures.
I pray that all is well with everyone, in cualquier lugar. sé que
estoy orando para ustedes, espero que ustedes son orando para mi. puedo
sentir la amar que tu tenes para mi, y por esto, muchísimo gracias!
Estoy muy agradecidos para tener la compañero que tengo ahora. El es un
hermano para mi. gracies por todo.
Vaya Con Dios. y Quédense
Elder Brewer
Me and Draper in Ciudad Viaja
They are guards like in London, that can't move or say anything. This is
at the Grave of Artigas. He is like George Washington here.
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